Customizing the editor UI

This section is about customizing TinyMCE’s user interface with skins, toolbar buttons, and manipulating the status bar.


Silver is TinyMCE’s default theme. Users can easily customize the menu or toolbar without having to edit the theme. Theme creation requires a more in depth-knowledge of TinyMCE’s API and is beyond the scope of this guide. TinyMCE skins, however, are easier to make.


Skins control the appearance of TinyMCE such as colors and spacing. The default skin is called Oxide (oxide) and has a light and a dark version. To initialize the editor with the dark version of the default skin, use the following configuration:

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  skin: 'oxide-dark',
  content_css: 'dark'

To base the skin version on the user’s preference as specified in their operating system, use:

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  skin: (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? 'oxide-dark' : 'oxide'),
  content_css: (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? 'dark' : 'default')

For information on manually creating skins for TinyMCE, see Creating a skin.

Developers often confuse the difference between TinyMCE "themes" and "skins". A Skin in TinyMCE is used to make changes to the appearance of the editor, for example, colors, margins, padding, fonts, icons, etc. A Theme creates the editor construction (left, top, bottom, or right of the editing area - vertical or horizontal, inline or outside, etc.). A skin usually changes the color scheme of a button, dialog, etc. while the theme applies to the whole editor including its functionality and has child skins to change the appearance.

Changing editor height and width

A common UI customization used by developers is changing the height and width of the editable area. The following examples are code snippets that change TinyMCE’s height and width.

The links below contain specific details of these customization options.

Set the editable area height

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  height: 300

See the height option for customization details.

Set the editable area width

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  width: 300

See the width option for customization details.

Set maximum and minimum heights and widths

The following code snippets use several options for the maximum and minimum values for heights and widths of the editable area.

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  max_height: 500,
  max_width: 500,
  min_height: 100,
  min_width: 400

See the max_height, max_width, min_height, and min_width documentation pages to learn more about these customization options.

The editable area can also automatically resize itself as the user enters content into the iframe with the resize configuration option.

Customizing the editable area with content_css

Use the content_css customization option to ensure that TinyMCE’s editable area has the same styling as the surrounding content.

TinyMCE comes with six content CSS files:

  • default

  • dark

  • document

  • writer

  • tinymce-5

  • tinymce-5-dark

These content CSS files can be enabled in the editor using the content_css configuration option.

For example:

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  content_css: 'writer'

These content CSS files can also be used as a template for creating a custom content CSS file for the editor. For the CSS files, see: tinymce-dist GitHub Repository - Content CSS files.

Tiny also provides content CSS files with the enhanced skins, for a list of premium content CSS files, see: Enhanced Skins & Icon Packs.

Tiny recommends using the same CSS for both the editor and the page where the editor content will be rendered.

The following example includes the file mycontent.css in all of the pages to control the site’s global appearance. This example ensures the content in the editable area contains the same style as the site.

Example using an absolute path

// File: http://domain.mine/mysite/index.html

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  content_css: '/mycontent.css'  // resolved to http://domain.mine/mycontent.css

See the content_css customization page for more information about the use of absolute and relative paths as well as and how to use multiple stylesheets.

Hiding the status bar

The status bar is the gray bar aligned to the bottom of the editor’s editable area. The status bar contains the path information and the resize handle. Removing the status bar disables the ability for users to change the size of the editable area.

Example: hiding the status bar

The following example disables the status bar.

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  statusbar: false
Refer to the plugins and advanced configuration options documentation for more information on how to restrict whether the resize handle can be dragged.

Adding the code button plugin

One popular toolbar button that is not loaded with the "Silver" theme is the code button. Clicking the code button displays a dialog box containing the raw HTML hidden behind TinyMCE’s interface.

Additional functionality may require the inclusion of a plugin
  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  plugins: 'code',
  toolbar: 'code'

All of the buttons disappear after the code button is added to the toolbar and a new menu called Tools with the menu item Source code is created. (See this page for a basic HTML code block.)

Example: adding the code toolbar button

The following example displays the default toolbar in addition to the code functionality:

  selector: 'textarea',
  toolbar: 'undo redo styles bold italic alignleft aligncenter alignright outdent indent code',
  plugins: 'code'

Premium upgrade promotion option


TinyMCE 6.2 and later includes the promotion option. It controls the presentation or otherwise of a Tiny-specific promotion button.

Type: Boolean

Default value: true in Community self-hosted instances; otherwise false.

Possible values: true, false

Example: using promotion

  selector: "textarea",  // change this value according to your HTML
  promotion: true

The Upgrade promotion appears in the unused corner of the TinyMCE menu bar. Consequently it does not appear if the menu bar is disabled.

The distribution-specific defaults are not fixed. Someone running TinyMCE as part of a Premium plan can turn this option on. And someone running the Community distribution of TinyMCE as a self-hosted instance can turn this option off.

The ability to customize the user interface is an integral part of ensuring an integrated and complete user experience.