TinyMCE Skin options

There are two options for applying a skin to TinyMCE: skin and skin_url. Tiny recommends using the skin option for skins bundled with the product or included in your cloud subscription. Custom or third-party skins should be included using the skin_url option to simplify updating and upgrading TinyMCE.


This option allows you to specify the skin that TinyMCE should use, or false to not load a skin. The default skin included with TinyMCE is named "oxide".

Type: String or Boolean

Default value: 'oxide'

Possible values: the name of a skin or false

The name of the skin should match the name of the folder within the skins directory of TinyMCE. If the specified skin is not found, TinyMCE will not load.

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  skin: 'oxide'

If you would like to create your own skin, please see the guide here.


If you are using TinyMCE skins, this option enables you to specify the location of the skin directory. This is useful if you are loading TinyMCE from one URL, for example a CDN, while loading a skin on, say, a local server.

Type: String

Example: using skin_url

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  skin_url: '/css/mytinymceskin'