TinyMCE 5.0.13
TinyMCE 5.0.13 was released for TinyMCE Enterprise and Tiny Cloud on Thursday, August 15th, 2019. It includes TinyMCE 5.0.13 and additional changes to premium plugins. These Release Notes provide high-level coverage of: improvements and additions, known issues, important bug fixes & deprecated functionality associated with the release of TinyMCE 5.0.13.
TinyMCE 5.0.10, 5.0.11, and 5.0.12 were not released to enterprise due to issues found during QA. TinyMCE 5.0.13 enterprise contains all changes in the TinyMCE 5.0.10 through 5.0.13 community releases. |
New features
Color map support
TinyMCE now supports all valid HTML color formats for the color_map
setting. For example, the following formats are now accepted:
rgb(255, 87, 51)
rgba(51, 79, 255, 0.8)
hsl(121, 80%, 60%)
The previous hex code color format without the "#" is still accepted as valid values. |
For more information on the color_map
setting, refer to the documentation.
Updates and enhancements
The updated TinyMCE 5.0.13 editor comes with numerous changes to the previous versions. A comprehensive list of the updates and fixed issues is available in the changelog.
Accessibility improvements
This release provides accessibility and keyboard navigation fixes for inline dialogs. Users will now be able to tab through the input and button elements in the dialog without the cursor getting stuck or losing focus.
Disabled toolbar buttons can be navigated with a keyboard and will apply a style when the toolbar button is re-enabled.
Backspace key handling
Pressing backspace at the start of an indented paragraph will now outdent the paragraph by one level instead of merging into the previous paragraph.
When using the List plugin, pressing backspace when the cursor is at the start of a list item will outdent the list item, instead of merging it with the previous list item.
Context toolbar positioning
Contextual toolbar improvements prevent the toolbar from collapsing and overlapping the toolbar or content when there is no empty space above or below the selected content. It will escape outside the bounds of the editor content area when running in inline mode.

Default background and foreground colors
TinyMCE 5.0.13 updates the default colors defined in the color_map
setting to include colors that are useful for both highlights and regular text.

To use the old default colors instead of the new colors, add the following to your TinyMCE configuration:
selector: 'textarea',
color_map: [
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Turquoise', value: '#18BC9B' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Green', value: '#2FCC71' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Blue', value: '#3598DB' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Purple', value: '#9B59B6' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Navy Blue', value: '#34495E' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Dark Turquoise', value: '#18A085' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Dark Green', value: '#27AE60' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Medium Blue', value: '#2880B9' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Medium Purple', value: '#8E44AD' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Midnight Blue', value: '#2B3E50' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Yellow', value: '#F1C40F' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Orange', value: '#E67E23' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Red', value: '#E74C3C' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Light Gray', value: '#ECF0F1' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Gray', value: '#95A5A6' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Dark Yellow', value: '#F29D12' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Dark Orange', value: '#D35400' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Dark Red', value: '#C0392B' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Medium Gray', value: '#BDC3C7' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Dark Gray', value: '#7E8C8D' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'Black', value: '#000000' },
{ type: choiceItem, text: 'White', value: '#ffffff' }
Dialog improvements
TinyMCE 5.0.13 has updated modal dialogs to be non-draggable by default. To re-enable draggable modals, add the draggable_modal
setting to the TinyMCE init configuration.
Draggable dialogs are now constrained to the window viewport to prevent the dialog from being dragged off-screen.
Help plugin
TinyMCE 5.0.13 adds a new tab to the help plugin called "Keyboard navigation" which provides content on how to use the editor when navigating via a keyboard.
Nonbreaking space plugin
TinyMCE 5.0.13 improves the nonbreaking space plugin by wrapping any nonbreaking space characters inserted by the plugin in a span to prevent the character being converted to a regular space while typing. To disable this behavior, add the new nonbreaking_wrap: false
setting to the TinyMCE init configuration.
Search and replace plugin
The search and replace dialog will now appear inline, instead of as a modal dialog, preventing it from overlapping the content found.
The dialog also comes with a new design that’s better suited to an inline dialog.

When finding content, the plugin will now cycle through results instead of stopping when it reaches the top or bottom of the document.
Tiny Comments
Tiny Comments 2.1.1 addresses an issue where users could add, edit, and remove comments when the editor mode is set to read-only. Comments now correctly listens to the editor mode change and disables comments when the editor is in read-only mode and re-enable when in design mode.
For information on Tiny Comments refer to the full documentation.