Bundling TinyMCE plugins using module loading


This section shows the files required for each TinyMCE component. The file paths shown are relative to the root TinyMCE package directory, where tinymce.min.js is stored. For example:

โ”œโ”€โ”€ icons/
โ”œโ”€โ”€ jquery.tinymce.min.js
โ”œโ”€โ”€ langs/
โ”œโ”€โ”€ license.txt
โ”œโ”€โ”€ plugins/
โ”œโ”€โ”€ readme.txt
โ”œโ”€โ”€ skins/
โ”œโ”€โ”€ themes/
โ”œโ”€โ”€ tinymce.d.ts
โ”œโ”€โ”€ tinymce.js
โ”œโ”€โ”€ tinymce.min.js
โ””โ”€โ”€ version.txt

The following table shows examples of the syntax used to bundle the following plugin.

Required files for an example plugin:


Example syntax for including the example "plugin" in a bundle:

Module Syntax Source Example



import pluginCss from 'tinymce/plugins/example/content.css';
import 'tinymce/plugins/example';


import pluginCss from '../tinymce/plugins/example/content.css';
import '../tinymce/plugins/example/plugin';

Common JS


var pluginCss = require('tinymce/plugins/example/content.css');


var pluginCss = require('../tinymce/plugins/example/content.css');
The handling of content CSS files (such as content.css or content.min.css) varies between bundling tools. View the relevant guide for the required syntax at Bundling TinyMCE with a module loader.


The following premium plugins can not be bundled at this time:

  • Accessibility Checker (a11ychecker)

  • Advanced Code (advcode)

  • Comments (tinycomments)

  • Enhanced Media Embed (mediaembed)

  • Link Checker (linkchecker)

  • Mentions (mentions)

  • Page Embed (pageembed)

Premium plugins

Accessibility Checker (a11ychecker)

The plugin language files (such as ./plugins/plugin/langs/sv_SE.js) are required where the editor user interface is localized using the language option.

Advanced Code (advcode)


Advanced Tables (advtable)


Case Change (casechange)


Checklist (checklist)


Comments (tinycomments)

The plugin language files (such as ./plugins/plugin/langs/sv_SE.js) are required where the editor user interface is localized using the language option.

Enhanced Media Embed (mediaembed)


Export (export)

The plugin language files (such as ./plugins/plugin/langs/sv_SE.js) are required where the editor user interface is localized using the language option.

Format Painter (formatpainter)


Link Checker (linkchecker)


Mentions (mentions)


Page Embed (pageembed)


Permanent Pen (permanentpen)


PowerPaste (powerpaste)

The plugin language files (such as ./plugins/plugin/langs/sv_SE.js) are required where the editor user interface is localized using the language option.

Spell Checker Pro (tinymcespellchecker)

The plugin language files (such as ./plugins/plugin/langs/sv_SE.js) are required where the editor user interface is localized using the language option.

Community plugins

Advanced List (advlist)


Anchor (anchor)


Autoresize (autoresize)


Autosave (autosave)


BBCode (bbcode)


Character Map (charmap)


Code (code)


Code Sample (codesample)


Directionality (directionality)


Emoticons (emoticons)


Full Page (fullpage)


Full Screen (fullscreen)


Help (help)


Horizontal Rule (hr)


Image (image)


Image Tools (imagetools)


Import CSS (importcss)


Insert Date/Time (insertdatetime)


Legacy Output (legacyoutput)


Lists (lists)


Media (media)


Nonbreaking Space (nonbreaking)


Noneditable (noneditable)


Page Break (pagebreak)


Paste (paste)


Preview (preview)


Print (print)


Quick Toolbar (quickbars)


Save (save)


Search and Replace (searchreplace)


Spell Checker (spellchecker)


Tab Focus (tabfocus)


Table (table)


Template (template)


Text Pattern (textpattern)


Table of Contents (toc)


Visual Block (visualblocks)


Visual Characters (visualchars)


Word Count (wordcount)
